J-TRIM JAPAN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) will work on information security throughout the company based on the following policy in order to protect the information assets entrusted to us by our customers from threats such as accidents, disasters, and crimes, and to live up to the trust placed in us by our customers and society.

1. Management Responsibility

The Company will strive to improve and enhance information security in a systematic and continuous manner under the leadership of management.

2. Establishment of an internal system

The Company will set up an organization to maintain and improve information security and will establish information security measures as official internal rules.

3. Employee Initiatives

Our employees will acquire the knowledge and skills required for information security and ensure their commitment to information security.

4. Compliance with legal and contractual requirements

We will comply with laws, regulations, norms, and contractual obligations related to information security and meet customer expectations.

5. Response to Violations and Accidents

In the event of any violation of laws, regulations, contracts, or accidents related to information security, the Company will respond appropriately and endeavor to prevent recurrence.

Ippei Taniuchi
President and CEO
Date of enactment: July 2, 2024